
涨价通知英语翻译如下:thenoticeofthepriceincrease双语例句:Ididn'treceivethenoticeofthepriceincrease.我还没有收到涨价通知。,AllordersreceivedandshippedpriortoApril15th,2021willreceivethecurrentpricing.所有在之前收到并发货的订单将以当前价格结算。,1.Wewantedtoinformyouoftheseadjustmentsassoonaspossibleforyourconvenience.為了你的方便,我們希望盡快通知你這些調整。2.These ...,[商用英文書信]漲價通知...


涨价通知英语翻译如下:the notice of the price increase双语例句:I didn't receive the notice of the price increase.我还没有收到涨价通知。


All orders received and shipped prior to April 15th, 2021 will receive the current pricing. 所有在之前收到并发货的订单将以当前价格结算。


1. We wanted to inform you of these adjustments as soon as possible for your convenience. 為了你的方便,我們希望盡快通知你這些調整。 2. These ...

[商用英文書信] 漲價通知_Price increase announcement

[商用英文書信] 漲價通知_Price increase announcement. Dear Customer ... Increase in prices are already the current trend. 漲價已經是現在的趨勢.


物價一天到晚調來調去每次要寫信都要找關鍵字乾脆來個筆記綠星懶,就用最簡單的方法吧英文不好,有錯歡迎指導改正1. 料漲Please kindly notice that due ...

如何大體不失霸氣通知客戶產品加價?一文學識各種漲價原因及表達 ...

We regret to inform you that due to [漲價原因], we are no longer able to provide [產品] at the same low prices. 我們很遺憾要通知你,因為_______ ...

[商用英文] 書信實例--調漲價格 - 天空

Due to the cost of this product, we have made a decision to adjust the price slowly so that both of us can keep the business going. We are very ...


涨价通知怎么写英文篇2. Announcement of Price Ajustment. Due to the price of raw material of Nickel is continually rising, we have to raise the ...

如何告诉客户产品涨价?9个技巧+ 16个邮件模板+ 50个国外公司邮件 ...

第11772号外贸信函模板:英文涨价函模板​ As always, we are committed to providing quality products and service to you and appreciate your business and continued ...